December 2023

We present you our LinkedIn posts in December!

kununu TOP Company Award 2024  

We have been recognized and are among the 5% of Austria's best employers who have qualified for the kununu Top Company Seal 2024.
The kununu Top Company seal acts as convincing proof of an excellent working environment and has a confidence-building effect along the candidate journey. It offers job seekers clear guidance and gives them the confidence that the company keeps its promises - a decisive factor when choosing a job.

By purchasing the user license, you can also use the digital seal for your communication outside of kununu. In addition to the seal license, you will receive the Top Company Box with helpful marketing materials to put your strong employer brand even more in the spotlight and thus attract the right talent.
We would like to thank our customers, candidates and employees for the numerous positive reviews!

"Last Christmas"...

...und auch in diesem Jahr haben wir alles gegeben, um unserer LinkedIn-Familie schöne Weihnachten zu wünschen und für das gewisse "Weihnachtsfeeling" zu sorgen!

Unser Weihnachtsgruß "To Someone Special". Möge Ihre Weihnachtszeit genauso unterhaltsam sein wie unser Videodreh.

Frohe Weihnachten und erholsame Feiertage von unserem gesamten Eblinger & Partner-Team!

Further LinkedIn-posts see here

November 2023

We present you our LinkedIn posts in November!

We were part of pharmaKON 2023!

Eblinger & Partner was a proud part of the industry meeting at imh Gesundheitswesen Pharma, which this year was dedicated to the specialist areas of "Reimbursement" and "Market Access & Digitization in the Laboratory".

Charlotte Eblinger-Mitterlechner was the speaker and gave the keynote speech "War for Talents: Attracting & retaining YoungSTARS in the pharmaceutical sector" on the following topics:
- Current situation: demographics, skilled labor pool & expectations from and to the industry
- Generation what? Recruiting in the generation mix
- Social media, sustainability, work-life balance: What topics can companies use to attract young talent?
- What do new talents need in a company?

We discussed the future and challenges of the pharmaceutical industry in depth with almost 120 experts, managers and visionaries from the healthcare sector.

The Eblinger & Partner Office hosted an open training session on the topics of Diversity & Inclusion and Unconscious Bias.

Led by Charlotte Eblinger-Mitterlechner and Sandra Teisinger-Tüllenburg, the participants gained an in-depth insight into the important topic of diversity in the workplace and received practical solutions for integrating diversity and overcoming unconscious bias in the professional environment.

We would like to thank the ten committed participants, who came from different industries and thus contributed to an enriching discussion. The interdisciplinary participation reflected the relevance of the topics of Diversity & Inclusion and Unconscious Bias for companies of all kinds.

Further LinkedIn-posts see here

October 2023

We present you our LinkedIn posts in October!

This was... IIC Partners Global Conference & AGM 2023!

We would like to give you a short insight into the past days at the IIC meeting in Prague. The meeting of members from all over the world - from Brazil to the USA, South Africa and all over Europe - provided the opportunity for an intensive exchange of experts about trends on the labor markets, legal framework conditions, wishes and expectations of clients and candidates.

Charlotte Eblinger-Mitterlechner had the honor to deliver the Chair's Address on the second day and to give an insight into our measures to implement diversity and inclusion in our company.

The Gala Dinner in the impressive community center built by Alphons Mucha in Art Deco and Art Nouveau style was a real highlight!

Thank you for these atmospheric, exciting, knowledge-filled days with our esteemed IIC members!

Florens Eblinger at the podium at Edenred!

"More benefits, more purpose, but less work - Is this the working world of tomorrow?" under this guiding theme, an exciting panel discussion took place today as part of the 30th anniversary of Edenred Austria GmbH.

Together with Edenred General Manager Christoph Monschein and the panel participants and HR experts Nicole Thurn, Georg Konjovic and Cornelia Doma, Eblinger & Partner Managing Director Florens Eblinger discussed the current labor market situation.

The question of the future and relevance of benefits, purpose, digitalization and flexibilization were the focus of the discussion, along with other exciting HR issues.

We would like to thank you very much for attending the great company anniversary and being part of the exciting conversation.

Further LinkedIn-posts see here

September 2023

We present you our LinkedIn posts in September!

New Eblinger & Partner Business Breakfast on the important topic of "Diversity & Inclusion"

Charlotte Eblinger-Mitterlechner and Sandra Teisinger-Tüllenburg addressed the topic of "Diversity & Inclusion", which should have been on the agenda for a long time, especially in HR. In order to contribute to this, they informed about the advantages and relevance of an open attitude in recruiting.

Employers who put these values at the heart of their business practices not only reap the benefits of a diverse workforce, but also create a culture of equal opportunity.

The importance of diversity & inclusion in HR cannot be overstated. Diverse teams, according to studies, are more successful, they are more creative, more innovative and reflect the true diversity of our society.

Many thanks to all participants for this successful morning with exciting discussions, inspiring inputs and for the pleasant exchange over the delicious buffet.

Eblinger & Partner celebrates!

A very special day at Eblinger & Partner: Our esteemed managing directors are celebrating their 50th birthday today!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Charlotte Eblinger-Mitterlechner and Florens Eblinger for their commitment and tireless passion. Their vision and perseverance have made Eblinger & Partner what it is today - a pioneer in the industry.

The E&P team gathered at the office over many delicacies to toast together and celebrate this special day.

We wish fulfilled and successful 50 more years!

Further LinkedIn-posts see here

August 2023

We present you our LinkedIn posts in August!

Exciting E&P Summer Talk with Wilhelm Golubich, Novartis

Recently, we had the pleasure of having breakfast with Wilhelm Golubich, MBA, CFO Austria Novartis Innovative Medicine, at Café Landtmann to talk about exciting topics related to international careers in the pharmaceutical industry.
We discussed the opportunities and challenges of international careers from Vienna as well as secondments abroad. Wilhelm Golubich, who himself has been to Italy and Switzerland for Novartis, emphasized the benefits of an assignment, both for personal and professional development.

Not only does it provide a deep understanding of other cultures, but it also offers the opportunity to learn new professional skills and build valuable networks.

Eblinger & Partner supports Kindernothilfe Austria

Kindernothilfe Austria is a valuable aid organization that has been working for the rights and welfare of children and women worldwide for many years.

Their current project in the southwest of Pakistan aims to improve the living conditions for children and women in the region and to give them a better perspective for the future. More specifically, to strengthen their rights, increase their self-esteem, open up career prospects, as well as the formation of self-help groups.

As a company, we have been supporting Kindernothilfe in its social projects for years. Our commitment is particularly close to our hearts and we are grateful for the opportunity to make a positive contribution together with this organization.

Further LinkedIn-posts see here

July 2023

We present you our LinkedIn posts in July!

Diverse Recruiting - A Key Requirement for Companies in the Age of ESG EU Regulation

In the course of the EU's mandatory #ESG sustainability reporting (CSRD), HR managers are confronted with the urgent issue of sustainable HR management and thus bringing more diversity into the company and promoting it. Wondering how to successfully implement this in your company?
Sandra Teisinger-Tüllenburg, Executive Partner at Eblinger & Partner Executive Search, emphasizes the importance of management's clear and open commitment to a diverse workforce in the company and an inclusive work environment.

"Without this support, the strategic anchoring of the topic and a forward-looking, positive 'can-do' mindset, efforts to promote diversity and inclusion can come to nothing." HR leaders should therefore ensure that management takes ownership of the issue at the top level, is committed with conviction and supports all diversity & inclusion measures.

- Change of processes and attitude:
Introducing diverse recruiting processes requires a change in mindset and can mean additional work in the short term. Charlotte Eblinger points out that for equal opportunities in recruiting, it is necessary to reduce existing processes and unconscious biases. "Unconscious bias must be identified and reduced to ensure an objective selection of applicants. The notion that new employees* should be just like old ones to fit into the company and culture should be reconsidered."
- Implementing diversity and inclusion:
Eblinger & Partner, a company that is itself committed to diverse recruiting and specializes in consulting related to greater diversity and inclusion, offers keynote speeches, workshops and trainings on diverse recruiting methods and assists in planning and implementing comprehensive approaches to creating an inclusive work environment. This holistic approach helps companies develop effective strategies and promote sustainable diversity in all areas of the company.

- Conclusion: The implementation of diverse recruiting measures is not only a legal obligation under the ESG EU Regulation, but also an opportunity for companies to gain competitive advantages and ensure their long-term sustainability. The commitment of the management, the revision of processes and the promotion of an inclusive corporate culture are decisive steps on the way to successful diverse recruiting and thus create more diversity and inclusion in the company in the long term, away from symbolic politics.

Results of the Eblinger & Partner Executive Search "HR Barometer" for the 2nd half of 2023

With your support as an HR expert, we conducted a survey to obtain an assessment of current demand and changes in the HR industry.

The survey was divided into four topics:
- Expectations
- HR core topics
- Personnel demand forecast
- Breakdown of staffing needs into different areas

Expectations for the second half of 2023 do not differ from the previous situation for the majority of respondents, with 58.1% expecting the current situation to remain the same.

The core HR topics for the new half-year are diverse. 55.8% are focusing on recruiting and filling difficult positions. Employer branding and dealing with part-time, flexible working hours, 4-day week, home office and work-life balance are important for 46.5% of respondents each.

For the majority, 67.4%, staffing needs are expected to remain the same. In terms of staffing needs in different areas, it appears that Sales has the highest need at 40.7%, followed by IT at 32.6%.

Thank you for your support! The jointly generated survey results provide an important insight into expectations and focus areas in the second half of 2023.

Further LinkedIn-posts see here

June 2023

We present you our LinkedIn posts in June!

Mid-year conference with a full program:

At Eblinger & Partner, the focus is on people. That's why we place a special focus on team togetherness at our annual mid-year conference.

This year's program was varied and took us to different living spaces: After a hearty breakfast and get-together at the office of our Vienna-based HR consultancy, we embarked on "Shades Tours" in groups on the topics of homelessness and addiction in Vienna. Two moving case stories gave us a new perspective.

The second part of the day was dedicated to teamwork at "Your Kitchen", where we were able to combine teambuilding with a cooking workshop in the "cooking & coaching" program. Together with the friendly team on site, we conjured up fantastic dishes that were mainly "plant-based".

Together we let the evening come to an end and reviewed the impressive day.

Joint waste collection campaign for World Environment Day 2023:

On the occasion of World Environment Day, we took action in the nearby Vienna City Park and launched a team waste collection campaign.

As a company, we pursue the goal of sustainability and would like to make our contribution to protecting nature, especially on today's occasion.

Equipped with gloves and garbage bags of the 48er of the city of Vienna, we collected plastic bottles, packaging and other garbage.

We would like to thank our hard-working Eblinger & Partner employees for their dedication! Together we can have a positive impact on the environment and highlight the importance of environmental protection. We want to continue this not only today, but every day through small actions that can make a big difference!

Further LinkedIn-posts see here

May 2023

We present you our LinkedIn posts in May!

Successful IIC Global Meeting in Toronto:

Charlotte Eblinger-Mitterlechner was present in her function as Global Chair of the Board at the IIC Partners Global Meeting in Toronto under the motto "Inclusive Leadership for an Innovative Future", representing Eblinger & Partner.

The agenda was packed with knowledge and news: The presentation topic of keynote speaker Hamoon Ekhtiari, Founder & CEO of FutureFit AI, was particularly exciting. He discussed the impact of Artificial Intelligence on recruiting and the rapid evolution of talent management through new technologies.

Other highlights included:
- High-profile clients invited by our host, B. Riley Faber, for our panel discussions
- Conversations about diversity, equality and inclusion
- Fun team-building activities, such as a baseball game
- In addition, a specially arranged day trip to the breathtaking Niagara Falls took place

The IIC Global Meeting provided valuable insights and networking opportunities. We are excited to apply what we learned to our work and drive the future through inclusive leadership.

Eblinger & Partners at the 4GAMECHANGERS Event:

We were thrilled to be a part of the 4GAMECHANGERS event! The #4FUTUREDAY was all about future topics such as education, equal opportunity, the healthcare system (especially mental health), and sustainability. It was inspiring to gain valuable insights from the experts*.

As a company with a far-sighted view, we are motivated to actively shape the future. Thank you to the organizers and we look forward to exchanging ideas with other participants.

Further LinkedIn-posts see here

April 2023

We present you our LinkedIn posts in April!

Our new team addition at Eblinger & Partner:

"As a recruitment consultant, I see my role as connecting the best talent with the right companies to create long-term success. My work is based on trust, discretion and empathy to achieve the best possible solution for both parties."

This is the guiding principle of our new employee Stefanie Szilagyi. As a consultant she supports our team mainly in the areas of technology (software sales, information technology services, hardware manufacturers and sales) as well as banking & insurance.

We are looking forward to our joint projects and wish her a great start in our future-oriented Vienna HR consultancy!

Easter in the office with our team:

To celebrate Easter in a slightly different way this year, we brought the Eblinger & Partner Executive Search team together to decorate the office Easter tree.

Instead of hanging classic eggs, we decided to write down words with different values of our employees and decorate our tree with them.

In line with our motto “relationships that make a difference”, we are convinced that our values are at the heart of our company and a good philosophy. This is how we succeed in bringing out the best in both the team and our work.

Further LinkedIn-posts see here

March 2023

Further LinkedIn-posts see here

February 2023

Further LinkedIn-posts see here

IIC-Partners Executive Search Worldwide - Executive Mobility Report 2024
Executive Coaching by Eblinger & Partner:
Sandra Teisinger-Tüllenburg im Interview
Optimism as a Competitive Advantage - AESC Client Research Report 2023
September 2024August 2024Juli 2024June 2024May 2024April 2024March 2024February 2024January 2024All posts from 2023